YCCD Board of Trustees Unanimously Ratifies Contract

After months of organizing, this week the Yuba College Federation of Teachers, AFT Local 4952, overwhelmingly voted to approve a historic contract settlement that includes significant victories in terms of pay parity and healthcare for part-time faculty.
Local 4952 represents part-time faculty in the sprawling Yuba Community College District, which spans eight counties and nearly 4,192 square miles. Their victory included increased compensation for all of their members, spanning from 15% all the way up to 50% for the lowest paid part-time faculty. It also includes 100% district reimbursement for part-time faculty healthcare, which will enable their district to access their portion of the $200 million in the state funds fought for and won by CFT two years ago.
Central to the contract victory was a great organizing plan, which included multiple speak outs at the Board of Trustees meetings, a large rally, and a petition signed by 75% of their members. But equally important was the focus on equal pay for equal work. Working with their administration, they were able to agree on defining what parity meant for part-time faculty, and were able to secure increased compensation for not only instruction, but for office hours, grading and prep. Congratulations on the fantastic campaign!