Office Hours Pay
You are not required to hold office hours; however, office hours are recommended. If you plan to have office hours, you have to apply for office hours compensation at the beginning of every semester. If you do not apply on time, you will not be paid for having office hours. All unit members teaching at least three units total per semester, during the fall and spring semesters, including 9-week courses during the regular semester, are eligible to apply for office hour compensation. Unit members must be teaching unit bearing, transfer, degree, or certificate courses. Instructors who hold office hours and meet the above requirements will be compensated a flat stipend of $375.00 per semester, per assignment, to be paid at the end of the semester.
According to the YC-AFT contract, you need to adhere to the following procedures.
• Office hours must be listed in your class syllabus and distributed to students.
• They must be listed for specific times.
• The modality of the office hour shall be the same as the modality of the class, i.e., an online class shall have an on-line office hour.
• Download and fill out the adjunct office hours request form located on the HR forms page of the district website or from our website, within the first 8 weeks of the semester.
• Submit the form to your dean. Since you have already submitted your syllabus to your dean, you do not need to attach your syllabus to the request form. Your dean will forward your form to HR.
• Get and keep a copy of your signed office hours request in case your request is lost.
Curriculum and SLO Development
Part-time faculty who have been asked and agreed to work on the development of Student Learning Outcomes, Program Reviews or Updates, Course Outlines, and other curriculum development topics are entitled to compensation. There is a separate level of compensation for updating. If asked to independently develop any of these projects in an academic department where there is no full-time faculty, you shall receive a flat rate stipend in the amount of $500 per course. If asked to develop any of these projects in an academic department where there are full-time faculty, you shall receive a flat rate stipend in the amount of $300 per course. DO NOT start the work without a signed agreement form from the person asking you to do the work that includes the amount of your compensation. We urgently request that you contact members of the Executive Board of YC-AFT with questions and reports of your experience in this process. Do not do this work for free or without a prior compensation agreement.
Committee Participation
The list of committees that part-time faculty can serve on, with compensation, has been expanded. There are several committee positions that have stipends, you may access the Committee Stipend Request Form here. The college-based committees, except for Academic Senate, are appointed through the academic senate. The academic senator is an elected position. Contact the academic senate to voice your interest in serving on a committee. The district committee positions are appointed by YCAFT. If the committee, task force, or group meets twice per month or more, the stipend shall be $825 per semester. If the committee, task force, or group meets less than twice per month, the stipend shall be $425 per semester. You must attend 80% of the committee meetings in order to be compensated.
When approved by the District (Office of Human Resources) to participate in a hiring committee or other District-approved non-participatory governance activities, you shall be compensated with a stipend of $425. Stipends will be paid at the end of each semester. If you serve on a committee, check with YC-AFT before you accept FLEX as payment for this work. YC-AFT works with the Academic
Parking Permits
As a part-time faculty person, you are entitled to a discounted parking rate of $20 per semester. When you purchase your parking sticker online at, choose Staff Fall Vehicle Part Time/Adjunct/Offsite
Part-time faculty accrue sick leave each semester. You shall earn sick leave credit at the rate of one (1) hour for each eighteen (18) hours of paid service during the academic year. The only way to check how much sick leave you have is to contact HR. The district does not have an efficient or reliable way to track your sick leave and it is not available online. In addition to sick leave you are also entitled to personal necessity leave (4 days per academic year), bereavement leave of absence not to exceed three (3) working days, or five (5) working days if out-of-state travel is required, per occurrence on account of the death of any member of the member’s immediate family, jury duty leave, parental leave, and job-incurred accident and illness leave, as appropriate.
When you are away from work for any reason, you must inform your immediate supervisor as soon as possible. You should fill out a Leave Form.