- There are several items that must be on your syllabus and must match the Course Outline of Record (COR) exactly.* These items are Title 5 regulations and are applicable to all California Community Colleges:
● Course Information: Course Name; Number; and Title
● Course Standards: Units and all hours
● Course Description
● Conditions of Enrollment (advisories, along with co- and prerequisites)
● Student Learning Outcomes
*You can cut and paste this information as it is listed on the YCCD Curricunet site: http://yccd.curricunet.com/PublicSearch/Index. Note: You do not need to be logged into the system to access this site. - There are other elements that do not need to match exactly with the COR, but they must be consistent with the COR and they must be listed in your course syllabus:
● Course Materials
● Course Content
● Course Objectives
● Typical Assignments/Methods of Evaluation. - While not mandated by COR, YCCD requires that you list these items in your course syllabus:
● Semester and Section #
● Your name and contact information (please use your YCCD email account)
● Course meeting times/locations
● Office Hours (if you wish to receive the Office Hours stipend)
● Course Requirements/Grade Breakdown
● A schedule that includes meetings, topics, readings, exams, and due dates.
- In order to effectivelyserve our students, it is recommended that you also add the following items to your course syllabus:
● Classroom policies (late work, cell phone use, plagiarism, etc.)
● Inclusivity statements (DSPS, LGBTQIA, and Safe Zone Info)
● All the resources on campus that are available to the students (ASWCC or ASYCC, Counseling, Health Services, Food Pantry, Student Success Center, etc.)
For more information, you can review a PowerPoint presentation here: https://wcc.yccd.edu/curriculum/professional-development/.
For more detailed information, please follow this link to YCCD’s Faculty Quick Reference Handbook: https://yc.yccd.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/FacultyQuickReference.pdf.
Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS)
Students who use DSPS will give you a form at the beginning of the semester that lists the accommodations they will need to help them meet the course student learning objectives. According to Federal law, it is your responsibility to provide reasonable accommodations for DSPS students and to not divulge their disability status to other students, other than those who volunteer for note-taking (when applicable).
As of 2020, the DSPS is located in Building 1800 at Yuba, Building 700 at Woodland, and Building 100, Room 141A at the Lake Campus. Should the student need test-taking accommodations, Instructors should familiarize themselves with the campus procedure for getting exams to and from the testing center. Typically, if a student chooses to take exams at the DSPS center, the instructor must fill out a form and note the specific details necessary for the student’s successful completion of the exam.
DSPS Services are guided by state and federal civil rights laws including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990(ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. These legal mandates support the provision of reasonable academic accommodations for qualified students to have access to and benefit from the full range of educational programs and activities at Yuba Community College District