Bargaining Update 03/08/2024
Fellow part-time faculty and members of YC-AFT I wanted to take a moment to update you on the progress being made on your new contract. The members of the contract negotiations team have been working very hard to hammer out a contract that we believe you all would be very pleased with. Unfortunately, the turnaround time at which the district team is getting article language back to our team for clean-up, edits, and final approval remains very slow. I know many of you probably share our frustrations with the slow pace at which the negotiations have been unfolding and are anxious to get a new contract in place to relieve some of the economic pressure caused by the recent bouts of inflation. However, I want to reassure you that it isn’t all bad news. The negotiations team believes that the bargaining unit and the district are in agreement about the substance of the contract and it is just a matter of getting the agreement into formal language so both parties can sign off. Until we receive the terms in the form of an official offer, we are unable to share the details of the new contract. We remain optimistic that this could occur imminently. However, if the district persists in prolonging the process, we may need to mobilize and seek your support to urge the Chancellor and the YCCD Board of Trustees to expedite the finalization of the contract language. We appreciate your patience and hope to have a contract for you to vote on in the very near future.
Best Regards,
Trevor Krapf
President YC-AFT
Contract Negotiations Team
Joe Radding
Chief Negotiator
Elaine Robinson
Chief Grievance Officer YC-AFT
Contract Negotiations Team
Ashley Walden
Contract Negotiations Team
Dan Martin
Contract Negotiations Team
CFT Field Representative
Bargaining update 01/2024
Negotiations continue at a slow pace, due to the District’s long delays in responding to multiple YC-AFT proposals on economic issues, and the District’s difficulties in agreeing to more frequent meeting dates.
The YC-AFT negotiations team is continuing to focus on first-time healthcare benefits, first-time parity salary increases, across-the board (“COLA”) salary increases, new stipends for online course development and approval, increases in existing stipends, an evaluation overhaul, and revisions to public safety academy instructor salary setting.
Although no official agreements have been reached, the district team seems to admit to the feasibility of taking advantage of the state reimbursement program to provide healthcare to eligible part-time faculty. The Board of Trustees appears to be supportive of the plan. The state plan covers part-time faculty who teach 40% or more of a full-time load (6 units a semester) and do not have health insurance from another job. It also covers instructors who teach at multiple colleges but under 40% at any one college. The state plan reimburses the district 100% of the cost of the insurance. Details have not been discussed. Again, no formal agreements have been reached.
The district and YC-AFT teams are exchanging ideas and are working to construct a plan that could move part-time instructors closer to parity with the full-time pay schedule. While possibilities are still being explored, no formal agreements have been reached. The district and YC-AFT teams are also working on some much- needed changes to the evaluation process and contract wording, but no formal agreements have been reached.
Changes to the stipend structure are also on the YC-AFT agenda but they are not being discussed yet. The following topics have been resolved with tentative agreements:
- Article 2—Federation Rights, signed 8/17/2022
- Article 9—Leaves with Pay, signed 10/3/2022
- Article 10—Conference and Travel, signed 8/17/2022
- Article 16—Internal Promotional Opportunities, signed 10/3/2022
Join us February 8, 5:00 pm, in Woodland for the February Board of Trustees meeting and let the Board of Trustees we deserve Equal Pay for Equal Work YC-AFT
Negotiations Team
- Joe Radding, YC, Chief Negotiator
- Trevor Krapf, YC-AFT President
- Elaine Robinson, YC-AFT Grievance Chair
- Ashley Walden, YC Adjunct Faculty
- Dan Martin, California Federation of Teachers
Bargaining update 11/21/2023
Hello Part timers!!
Your negotiation team has been at work for almost 18 months now.
We have made a proposal to creatively use the money put on the table by the district in a more beneficial manner to all part-time faculty and the district. We are now waiting for the district to accept our proposal and hammer out the details. Unfortunately, the district is slow to respond and there are still lots of little details to be settled.
What to do if you want to help support our new contract?
Join your fellow YC-AFT members at the Board of Trustees meeting in December.
Let the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor we are ready to have this settled!
December 14, at Flavors on the Marysville Campus 5:00 PM
See you there!
Economic Proposal Comparisons 11/08/2023
A Comparison between the district’s poorly envisioned offer and the YC-AFT counteroffer that was presented to the Board of Trustees on November 9, 2023:
Bargaining & Negotiations Update Report 8/16/2023:
As previously advised, the collective bargaining agreement between YC-AFT and YCCD technically expired on June 30, 2022.
Pending a new three-year agreement, most of the provisions of the 2019-2022 agreement continue to remain in effect.
YC-AFT continues to be engaged in negotiations with YCCD for a new three-year agreement.
Your YC-AFT contract bargaining team currently includes:
Joe Radding, YC, Chief Negotiator
Trevor Krapf, YC-AFT President
Elaine Robinson, YC-AFT Grievance Chair
Ashley Walden, YC Adjunct Faculty
Dan Martin, California Federation of Teachers
Below is a summary of all YC-AFT contract bargaining efforts to date:
Memoranda of Understanding:
Ground Rules, signed 8/17/2022
Tentative Agreements:
Article 2—Federation Rights, signed 8/17/2022
Article 9—Leaves with Pay, signed 10/3/2022
Article 10—Conference and Travel, signed 8/17/2022
Article 16—Internal Promotional Opportunities, signed 10/3/2022
Pending Proposals:
Article 4—Workload/Assignments: last YC-AFT proposal passed 4/7/2023; no District response to date; YC-AFT will soon pass a new counter proposal
Article 5—Distributive Education: last YC-AFT proposal passed 4/27/2023; no District response to date
Article 7—Salaries/Benefits: last YC-AFT proposal passed 7/6/2023
Article 8—Office Hours: last YC-AFT proposal passed 7/6/2023
Article 11—Evaluations: last District proposal passed 4/7/2023; YC-AFT is currently preparing a counter proposal
Article 13—Duration of Agreement: last District proposal passed 4/7/2023; YC-AFT is willing to tentatively agree to this proposal
New Article 18—Intellectual Property: last YC-AFT proposal passed 4/27/2023; no District response to date
New Article XX—Part-Time Faculty Health Care: YC-AFT proposal passed 4/7/2023; no District response to date
New Appendix 1—Salary Rate for Public Safety Instructors: YC-AFT proposal passed 11/14/2022; District verbally offered to seek Board approval; no further progress to date
Unfortunately, the District has not, to date, responded to many of YC-AFT’s proposals, which was pointed out to the YCCD Board of Trustees at its public meeting on August 10, 2023. Thank you to those of you who attended the Board meeting and showed your support for YC-AFT. We will continue to rely on your support in the months ahead.
At the most recent bargaining meeting with YCCD on Wednesday, August 16, 2023, YC-AFT offered to tentatively agree with the District’s proposal for Article 13, and YC-AFT presented new counter proposals for Article 4 and Article 11. YCCD presented new counter proposals for Article 5 and new Article 18. No agreements were reached on these four articles.
In addition, YCCD did not present a new economic proposal on salaries and benefits. Your bargaining team is continuing to pursue these issues.
Please be assured that your bargaining team is committed to doing everything possible to secure a new contract that includes both salary increases and, potentially, a new health benefits program.
We will endeavor to keep you updated as we continue to negotiate a new contract for you.
—Joe Radding, YC, Chief Negotiator
Bargaining & Negotiations Update Report 8/14/2023:
As previously advised, the collective bargaining agreement between YC-AFT and YCCD technically expired on June 30, 2022.
Pending a new three-year agreement, most provisions of the 2019-2022 agreement continue to remain in effect.
YC-AFT continues to be engaged in negotiations with YCCD for a new three-year agreement.
Your YC-AFT contract bargaining team currently includes:
Joe Radding, YC, Chief Negotiator
Trevor Krapf, YC-AFT President
Elaine Robinson, YC-AFT Grievance Chair
Ashley Walden, YC Academic Senator
Dan Martin, California Federation of Teachers
Below is a summary of all YC-AFT contract bargaining efforts to date:
Memoranda of Understanding:
Ground Rules, signed 8/17/2022
Tentative Agreements:
Article 2—Federation Rights, signed 8/17/2022
Article 9—Leaves with Pay, signed 10/3/2022
Article 10—Conference and Travel, signed 8/17/2022
Article 16—Internal Promotional Opportunities, signed 10/3/2022
Pending Proposals:
Article 4—Workload/Assignments: last YC-AFT proposal passed 4/7/2023; no District response to date; YC-AFT will soon pass a new counter proposal
Article 5—Distributive Education: last YC-AFT proposal passed 4/27/2023; no District response to date
Article 7—Salaries/Benefits: last YC-AFT proposal passed 7/6/2023
Article 8—Office Hours: last YC-AFT proposal passed 7/6/2023
Article 11—Evaluations: last District proposal passed 4/7/2023; YC-AFT is currently preparing a counter proposal
Article 13—Duration of Agreement: last District proposal passed 4/7/2023; YC-AFT is willing to tentatively agree to this proposal
New Article 18—Intellectual Property: last YC-AFT proposal passed 4/27/2023; no District response to date
New Article XX—Part-Time Faculty Health Care: YC-AFT proposal passed 4/7/2023; no District response to date
New Appendix 1—Salary Rate for Public Safety Instructors: YC-AFT proposal passed 11/14/2022; District verbally offered to seek Board approval; no further progress to date
Unfortunately, the District has not responded to many of YC-AFT’s proposals, which was pointed out to the YCCD Board of Trustees at its public meeting on August 10, 2023. Thank you to those of you who attended the Board meeting and showed your support for YC-AFT. We will continue to rely on your support in the months ahead.
The next scheduled bargaining meeting with YCCD is on Wednesday, August 16, 2023.
Please be assured that our bargaining team is committed to doing everything possible to secure a new contract that includes both salary increases and, potentially, a new health benefits program.
We will endeavor to keep you updated as we continue to negotiate a new contract for you.
—Joe Radding, YC, Chief Negotiator