The Seniority List and You: Adjunct Faculty Member Return Rights
The most recent seniority lists can be accessed on our Seniority-List page.
Part-time faculty who teach a general education course (as determined by the college) for at least three of the last six semesters, can continue to teach a load equal to the highest load taught in the last six semesters up to a maximum of six units as long as they receive a satisfactory evaluation. Non-instructional faculty, such as counselors and librarians, have the same return rights as instructors, although the district has yet to develop a list for these positions.
Summer courses are not counted in determining the return rights load for fall and spring semesters, but there is a separate list for determining return rights for summers only. The latest summer seniority list is posted on our website.
To make the seniority list work for you, and for all of us, you need to be proactive. Review the seniority list as soon as possible, when it is issued. When the list is published it will be posted in part-time faculty mailrooms and on our website. Unfortunately, the district is often incapable of producing this list. A list for each semester as required for this system to work. The latest seniority list is posted on our website.
1. Make sure you are on the list. The website has all locations. Each site should have a site-specific list printed and posted with two different sorting schemes, one alphabetical by last name and one by discipline. If you are new to teaching for Yuba Community College District, you won’t be listed as there is a six semester lag before new faculty appears on the seniority list.
2. Make sure you are listed at the right location. For the purposes of the seniority list, YCCD has three locations: Marysville (Marysville, Sutter, and Beale AFB), Woodland (Woodland and Colusa), Lake County Campus. This is especially important if you are teaching any type of Distance Education or teaching at more than one location. Your seniority can only be attached to one location, but you can choose which location you prefer. You may change your seniority location by sending a written request to the HR Department of YCCD stating your interest in transferring return rights to a different location within the district. This should be done BEFORE scheduling starts for the next semester.
3. Make sure you are listed in the right discipline. If you teach a cross-listed class, and you do not meet minimum qualifications to teach in the second discipline, you will not appear on the seniority list in the second discipline. You will only be listed where you meet the minimum qualifications. You will only be listed where the district is aware you meet minimum qualifications
4. Make sure you are listed for the correct load. You are entitled to return rights for the maximum number of units taught in the last6 semesters, up to 6 units. This information was missing from some of the seniority lists in the past, but will be included in thefuture.
5. When department course schedules are posted for the next semester, check the listing immediately. The practice of posting department schedules before finalizing the listings is supposed to be in effect. If you have been offered, at a minimum, your full return rights load, you have been scheduled appropriately. If you have not been offered your return rights load, check to see if there is other faculty with a lower seniority rank being offered courses. (This includes newly hired faculty who are not on the list.) If you think this has happened to you, contact a union representative immediately. Union contact lists should be posted in the mailrooms as well.
There are two common misconceptions about the seniority list and return rights. The facts are: you have no return rights to any specific class, class time, or day, no matter what; and you have no return rights above six units, no matter how many units you have been teaching in the past. When the law is changed that affects this situation, we will bargain how it is expressed at YCCD.